Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Vision - Time & Money

Time and money: How do I relate to these resources entrusted to me? Simple. I designate them for the word designation suggests purpose and intention. My time is approached in light of the vision I've created for the year, which is ultimately part and parcel of why I breathe. And my money? Nope. I do not use the B word (“bills”). I decide and design where it will go and how it'll work for me.

I have a surprise! I'll share my Vision3.5.7: three elements of redemption, five years in the making, and seven children's picture books. I'm not a salesperson, nor advisor but based on intense work with my life coach, I've come up with a system to make it happen. You're welcome to use the no-fail documents in my system for your own To Wishin' and dreams.

Step 1 is the To Wishin' Layout, or my down payment on the Vision. I call it the Prophetic Twitter since I proclaim exactly what I will do in the next three years. It's all about TIME.

Step 2, the Dollar Designation, is where I see where my dollars are designated each month. It's all about MONEY. Mostly it's true, but I've changed a few figures to make a point.

Step 3 is the Payday Principal. By inserting a Dollar Designation total, and giving myself wiggle room for other funds, I see how much money is needed each pay date for the whole year. It's all about TIME and MONEY.

Guess what? I don't use the J word either ("job"), which is why Step 3 excites me. I can decide the minimum time I should work in my profession to meet that pay date's total. Therefore, I'm free to devote the maximum amount of time doing what matters: nurturing myself, connecting with those who nurture, counsel, and celebrate me, as well as writing. My Vision3.5.7 moves from five years, to three years, down to each month, and finally to periods of two weeks. The vision literally decides my everyday life. Here is Step 1, Step 2, and Step 3 for you.

May you be richly blessed, strengthened and encouraged.

I'm for you,

Husband List

Hi Family,

By now, you know I'm big on To Wishin'. I must envision and decide what I want and keep it before me. With my choice in a husband and father of our children, the same principles apply. My dear friend, Jan, and the honorable Dr. Phil McGraw (Love you, Sir!) inspired me to develop my husband list.

Jan says that each time she and her husband went apartment hunting, they had a strategy, stuck to it, and the universe delivered every time! They never compromised; not even one dollar over their price range. She said if they compromised with one characteristic, others would soon follow.

First, after determining what they needed and wanted, they made two lists. The Deal Breaker list was of features absolutely essential (e.g., 2 bedrooms and office space). If the apartment didn't have them, it was no longer considered. The Highly Desirable list was of things they considered nice to have, but not required (e.g., a recreation room).

Second, on a map, they highlighted the boundaries within which they'd search.

Since they put time and effort into paying To Wishin,' the vision was complete. The search would be a breeze so on to step three- filtering newspaper ads against the lists.

Apartments which held up, received a phone call. If still on the list, the property earned a visit, during varying times and conditions: at night, early in the morning, and on the weekends. What was life really like in the neighborhood? After thorough inspection of the premises and several conversations with the manager and current tenants, they were richly rewarded with a dwelling that fit them like a glove.

Last I heard, the property was so loverly, they signed a 30-year contract. I bet their HOUSE is a sight to behold.

Would you like to see my husband list? Here you go.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Coat of Arms - Gift to the United Nation's Committee on the Rights of the Child

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I'm proud to present the Coat of Arms declaring the welfare of children globally. I commissioned it on December 1, 2008, and will present it to the United Nation's Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) this fall. Why do I fly to Geneva, Switzerland quarterly, paying out of pocket, to attend Committee sessions? It's because I believe in them and the document they oversee, the beloved Convention on the Rights of the Child. This “children’s bill of rights" consists of 54 articles detailing rights every human child has. For example:

The right to a name (Article 7).

The right to an identity (Article 8). In many patriarchal societies, the birth of baby girls is not recorded at all.

The right to have food, clothing, and a safe place to live (Article 27).

September 12, 2009 I'll excitedly make my fourth European pilgrimage, but this time we'll do more than hear how countries implement the Convention. We will celebrate the Convention's 20th Anniversary.

I'm thrilled! Let me tell you the symbolism behind this Coat of Arms--designed by Herald David Ortiz, and brought to you courtesy of my year-long love affair with all things Medieval, heraldry (the study of arms and it's relation to genealogy) and blazonry (the study and art of accurately describing arms).

The Arms is a visual representation of the Convention, so its three charges center on its three categories of rights:

-Life, survival, and development – an Oak Tree for a Crest

-Protection – a Panther in the Shield, which, in heraldry, fights to the death to protect its young

-Participation – 7 Hands in the Shield, one representing the children on each continent

I finish it off by infusing meekitancy. A lamb and a lion are the Supporters of the Arms. I give you meek – a lamb rampant (both forelegs are up). I give you militant – a lion rampant guardant (forelegs up, facing the viewer).

I hereby proclaim my philosophy and approach to ensuring children’s welfare. Every child on earth will be treated with love, gentleness and respect, as seen in the meekness of a lamb. Anyone in violation will face the militant: the wrath of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. God Himself will handle such.

Thank you and good day.

Meekitant Myisha

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Baby Regan & Chemo

Hi Family,

My friend told me about her pastor's daughter. This gorgeous Baby Girl named Regan, who just turned five years old, is going through chemotherapy right now. Her Mom and Dad report that she's lost her hair, has sores in her mouth, and is very tired. Would you take a moment and pray for her and her family? Here's some words of encouragement I sent her way.

To My Beautiful Baby Sister in Christ,

We haven't met yet but I love you! You are such a strong young lady. God gave you a whole lotta people who love you, especially your Mom & Dad. I join them, along with other family and friends, in prayer for your strength and victory. I was a sick child too and I remember my last surgery. I lay in the hallway all by myself before being taken into the operating room... Jesus' presence was so real, like I could literally touch Him. The same Lord is there for you and with you... God has great plans for you so look forward to middle school, high school, prom, college, and a long life serving the Lord. I wish you the best, Sweetheart, and I cain't wait to meet you!

Rooting for you....Rah, rah, rah!


To Wishin'

I believe I was 6 years old when I heard Uncle William talking about tuition. He said something like, "Tuition at that school costs an arm and a leg." What I heard was "to wishin.'" I reasoned that in order to go to college one had to pay money towards wishin.' At that age it made sense to invest money as a down payment on one's dreams. Four degrees later, thankfully, I only had to pay tuition for grad school. Yet included in the tuition were no plans for to wishin'. I don't recall being taught to dream and design a life in which they must come to pass.

This year the universe reminded me that I saw it this way. I've since embraced that this is how I'm wired. In many aspects of my life I could come out of an inconvenient or sorrowful place because I put something in front of me to run towards. I set joy before me. I invested in to wishin.' Today I'm living in redemption from childhood sexual abuse (CSA) because I imagined a day when I would be free of shame. I exist, not merely surviving, but thriving because I expect a wonderful marriage to a great man, and to become the matriarch who raises the foundation of many generations!

In the words of Diana Ross, "Do you know where you're going to? Do you like the things that life is showing you? Where are you going to? Do you know?

I wouldn't mind if you called me a To Wishin' expert. It's ok. :) This past year I've devoted long hours to introspection. I sit and wish. I recline and plan. I jog and dream. I spa and write it out. Want me to share my dreams with you? It would be my pleasure. Stay tuned...

I'm for you!


Good Morning,

The movie Julie and Julia inspired me to start a blog. I see it as a way to use my spiritual gift of exhortation to encourage people, give back and receive from you who read it.

Nice to meet you. My name is Myisha and I'm 32. I'm a first-time author, rape crisis advocate and interpreter. Issues close to my heart include childhood sexual abuse, marriage, communication, redemption and meekitancy. Yes! I refer to myself as meekitant. I'm meek toward people and militant concerning certain issues.

Right now, my love tank is full. I was told that we humans feed ourselves (get our basic human needs met) one way or another; either legally or illegally; in a legitimate way or an illicit way. I used to feed myself in a way that hurt me. Now I've made it a lifestyle to nurture myself in ways that build me up. Here are a few:

  • traveling
  • taking a nap
  • getting a manicure
  • going to see a movie
  • laying on the couch listening to the radio
  • connecting with my NMCC crew (26 people in my life who Nurture me, interact with me in a Mutually beneficial way, Celebrate with me, and Counsel me)

Do you nurture yourself? This world is tough sometimes. Are there people in your life you can call and they'll show you love and kindness no matter what? I pray you find them.

All the best, I wish you.
Meekitant Myisha