Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Husband List

Hi Family,

By now, you know I'm big on To Wishin'. I must envision and decide what I want and keep it before me. With my choice in a husband and father of our children, the same principles apply. My dear friend, Jan, and the honorable Dr. Phil McGraw (Love you, Sir!) inspired me to develop my husband list.

Jan says that each time she and her husband went apartment hunting, they had a strategy, stuck to it, and the universe delivered every time! They never compromised; not even one dollar over their price range. She said if they compromised with one characteristic, others would soon follow.

First, after determining what they needed and wanted, they made two lists. The Deal Breaker list was of features absolutely essential (e.g., 2 bedrooms and office space). If the apartment didn't have them, it was no longer considered. The Highly Desirable list was of things they considered nice to have, but not required (e.g., a recreation room).

Second, on a map, they highlighted the boundaries within which they'd search.

Since they put time and effort into paying To Wishin,' the vision was complete. The search would be a breeze so on to step three- filtering newspaper ads against the lists.

Apartments which held up, received a phone call. If still on the list, the property earned a visit, during varying times and conditions: at night, early in the morning, and on the weekends. What was life really like in the neighborhood? After thorough inspection of the premises and several conversations with the manager and current tenants, they were richly rewarded with a dwelling that fit them like a glove.

Last I heard, the property was so loverly, they signed a 30-year contract. I bet their HOUSE is a sight to behold.

Would you like to see my husband list? Here you go.