Saturday, August 22, 2009


Good Morning,

The movie Julie and Julia inspired me to start a blog. I see it as a way to use my spiritual gift of exhortation to encourage people, give back and receive from you who read it.

Nice to meet you. My name is Myisha and I'm 32. I'm a first-time author, rape crisis advocate and interpreter. Issues close to my heart include childhood sexual abuse, marriage, communication, redemption and meekitancy. Yes! I refer to myself as meekitant. I'm meek toward people and militant concerning certain issues.

Right now, my love tank is full. I was told that we humans feed ourselves (get our basic human needs met) one way or another; either legally or illegally; in a legitimate way or an illicit way. I used to feed myself in a way that hurt me. Now I've made it a lifestyle to nurture myself in ways that build me up. Here are a few:

  • traveling
  • taking a nap
  • getting a manicure
  • going to see a movie
  • laying on the couch listening to the radio
  • connecting with my NMCC crew (26 people in my life who Nurture me, interact with me in a Mutually beneficial way, Celebrate with me, and Counsel me)

Do you nurture yourself? This world is tough sometimes. Are there people in your life you can call and they'll show you love and kindness no matter what? I pray you find them.

All the best, I wish you.
Meekitant Myisha