Monday, August 24, 2009

Coat of Arms - Gift to the United Nation's Committee on the Rights of the Child

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I'm proud to present the Coat of Arms declaring the welfare of children globally. I commissioned it on December 1, 2008, and will present it to the United Nation's Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) this fall. Why do I fly to Geneva, Switzerland quarterly, paying out of pocket, to attend Committee sessions? It's because I believe in them and the document they oversee, the beloved Convention on the Rights of the Child. This “children’s bill of rights" consists of 54 articles detailing rights every human child has. For example:

The right to a name (Article 7).

The right to an identity (Article 8). In many patriarchal societies, the birth of baby girls is not recorded at all.

The right to have food, clothing, and a safe place to live (Article 27).

September 12, 2009 I'll excitedly make my fourth European pilgrimage, but this time we'll do more than hear how countries implement the Convention. We will celebrate the Convention's 20th Anniversary.

I'm thrilled! Let me tell you the symbolism behind this Coat of Arms--designed by Herald David Ortiz, and brought to you courtesy of my year-long love affair with all things Medieval, heraldry (the study of arms and it's relation to genealogy) and blazonry (the study and art of accurately describing arms).

The Arms is a visual representation of the Convention, so its three charges center on its three categories of rights:

-Life, survival, and development – an Oak Tree for a Crest

-Protection – a Panther in the Shield, which, in heraldry, fights to the death to protect its young

-Participation – 7 Hands in the Shield, one representing the children on each continent

I finish it off by infusing meekitancy. A lamb and a lion are the Supporters of the Arms. I give you meek – a lamb rampant (both forelegs are up). I give you militant – a lion rampant guardant (forelegs up, facing the viewer).

I hereby proclaim my philosophy and approach to ensuring children’s welfare. Every child on earth will be treated with love, gentleness and respect, as seen in the meekness of a lamb. Anyone in violation will face the militant: the wrath of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. God Himself will handle such.

Thank you and good day.

Meekitant Myisha